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Deciding Between Low Pressure and High Pressure Steam Boilers

There are so many applications for steam boilers. When you're deciding what's appropriate for your operations it can be confusing to decide whether you need low pressure or high pressure steam for your applications.

Miura does a fantastic job of providing the key factors to investigate when making a choice.This article explains the key differences between high-pressure and low-pressure boilers. They also compare when you might prefer a low-pressure steam boiler and when high-pressure steam boilers are required. Finally, they review some of the cutting-edge design features that make the most advanced modern boilers safer, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly than ever before.

The fundamental differences between a low and high pressure steam solution is the temperature the water reaches and the amount of pressure achieved. Water in low-pressure boilers is not heated beyond 250ºF, and the steam pressure does not exceed 15 psi (pounds per square inch). Low-pressure steam can be more economical to produce than high-pressure steam, as it requires less energy to create and does not lead to as much wear and tear on components.

High-pressure steam boilers, by contrast, are essential for providing higher energy transfer to down-stream point-of-use equipment. They create steam at above 15 psi and often operate at hundreds of psi. They also operate at considerably higher temperatures than low-pressure boilers.

Contact Trap Energy Solutions if you'd like to learn more about how Miura Boilers can save energy and increase efficiencies in your operations.

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